There are a total of 379 7-letter words starting with 'pe', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- peached 16
- peacher 15
- peaches 15
- peacing 16
- peacoat 13
- peacock 20
- peacods 12
- peafowl 17
- peahens 13
- peakier 14
- peaking 17
- peakish 16
- pealike 15
- pealing 14
- peaning 10
- peanuts 12
- peapods 12
- pearced 12
- pearces 11
- pearled 12
- pearler 11
- pearlin 9
- pearter 10
- peartly 13
- peasant 11
- peascod 14
- peasing 10
- peatary 12
- peatery 12
- peatier 10
- peatman 11
- peatmen 11
- peaveys 16
- peavies 14
- peavine 15
- peazing 19
- pebbled 18
- pebbles 17
- pebrine 11
- peccant 17
- peccary 18
- peccavi 20
- pechans 16
- peching 18
- peckers 17
- peckier 17
- pecking 20
- peckish 19
- pectase 13
- pectate 13
- pectens 14
- pectins 14
- pectise 11
- pectize 22
- pectose 11
- peculia 15
- pedagog 15
- pedaled 13
- pedaler 12
- pedalos 12
- pedants 12
- pedders 11
- peddled 14
- peddler 13
- peddles 13
- pedeses 10
- pedesis 10
- pedetic 12
- pedicab 17
- pedicel 15
- pedicle 15
- pedlars 12
- pedlary 14
- pedlers 12
- pedlery 14
- pedocal 15
- pedrail 10
- pedrero 10
- pedways 16
- peebeen 14
- peekabo 15
- peeking 17
- peelers 11
- peeling 14
- peenged 11
- peenges 10
- peening 14
- peepbos 13
- peepees 13
- peepers 13
- peeping 16
- peepuls 15
- peerage 12
- peeress 10
- peerier 9
- peeries 10
- peering 13
- peevers 14
- peeving 17
- peevish 16
- peewees 13
- peewits 13
- pegasus 10
- peggies 14
- pegging 17
- peghing 14
- peglegs 15
- pegless 13
- peglike 17
- pegtops 15
- peincts 11
- peining 14
- peishwa 15
- peising 13
- peizing 19
- pekepoo 15
- pelages 13
- pelagic 16
- pelhams 16
- pelican 15
- pelikai 15
- pelisse 11
- pelites 11
- pelitic 14
- pellach 14
- pellack 15
- pellets 12
- pellock 15
- pellums 11
- pelmets 14
- peloids 10
- peloria 11
- peloric 14
- pelorus 12
- pelotas 11
- peloton 12
- peltast 11
- peltate 11
- pelters 11
- pelting 14
- pelvics 18
- pembina 17
- pemican 17
- pemphix 25
- penally 15
- penalty 14
- penance 15
- penangs 14
- penates 11
- pencels 15
- pencils 15
- pendant 13
- pendens 13
- pendent 13
- pending 15
- pendule 10
- penfold 13
- penfuls 12
- pengoes 13
- penguin 15
- penicil 15
- penises 11
- penlike 13
- penlite 12
- pennals 9
- penname 15
- pennant 13
- pennate 12
- penners 12
- pennied 10
- pennies 12
- pennill 9
- pennine 13
- penning 15
- pennons 13
- penoche 16
- penpals 15
- pensant 12
- pensees 11
- pensels 9
- pensile 12
- pensils 12
- pension 12
- pensive 15
- penster 11
- pensums 11
- pentact 11
- pentads 12
- pentane 12
- pentels 9
- pentene 12
- penthia 12
- pentice 11
- pentise 9
- pentiti 9
- pentito 9
- pentode 12
- pentose 11
- pentyls 14
- penuche 17
- penuchi 17
- penults 13
- peonage 13
- peonies 11
- peonism 14
- peopled 15
- peopler 14
- peoples 14
- pepinos 14
- pepitas 11
- peplums 18
- peppers 16
- peppery 18
- peppier 16
- peppily 19
- pepping 19
- pepsine 14
- pepsins 14
- peptalk 15
- peptics 16
- peptide 14
- peptids 14
- peptise 11
- peptize 22
- peptone 14
- peracid 14
- peraeon 9
- percale 14
- percase 13
- percent 14
- percept 16
- perched 16
- percher 15
- perches 15
- percids 14
- percine 11
- percing 12
- percoct 13
- percoid 14
- percuss 14
- perdues 12
- perdure 12
- peregal 10
- pereion 11
- pereira 9
- perenty 13
- pereons 9
- perfect 16
- perfidy 16
- perfing 13
- perfins 14
- perform 16
- perfume 17
- perfumy 19
- perfuse 14
- pergana 13
- pergola 13
- perhaps 15
- periapt 13
- pericon 11
- peridia 11
- peridot 11
- perigee 12
- perigon 13
- periled 12
- perilla 12
- perinea 11
- periods 11
- periost 9
- perique 20
- peritus 11
- periwig 15
- perjink 20
- perjure 20
- perjury 22
- perkier 14
- perkily 17
- perking 17
- perkins 13
- perkish 16
- perlite 11
- perlous 9
- permian 11
- permies 11
- perming 16
- permits 13
- permute 14
- pernods 10
- perogen 10
- perogie 10
- perogis 10
- peronei 9
- perones 9
- peroral 11
- peroxid 18
- perpend 15
- perpent 14
- perplex 21
- perrier 9
- perries 10
- perrons 11
- persalt 11
- persant 9
- persico 11
- persing 10
- persist 10
- persona 11
- persons 11
- perspex 18
- persued 10
- persues 9
- pertain 11
- pertake 13
- pertest 10
- pertook 13
- perturb 14
- pertuse 9
- peruked 16
- perukes 15
- perusal 12
- perused 12
- peruser 11
- peruses 11
- pervade 15
- pervert 14
- pervier 14
- perving 17
- pesades 11
- pesante 9
- pesants 9
- pesaunt 9
- pesetas 10
- pesewas 13
- peshwas 15
- peskier 14
- peskily 17
- pessary 12
- pessima 11
- pesters 10
- pestful 12
- pestier 10
- pestled 12
- pestles 11
- petaled 12
- petaras 9
- petards 11
- petasos 10
- petasus 11
- petcock 20
- petered 11
- pethers 12
- petiole 11
- petites 10
- petitio 10
- petnaps 14
- petrale 11
- petrary 12
- petrels 11
- petrify 15
- petrols 11
- petrous 11
- petsais 10
- petters 10
- pettier 10
- petties 9
- pettily 13
- petting 13
- pettish 12
- pettled 12
- pettles 11
- petunia 12
- pewters 13
- pewtery 15
- peyotes 12
- peyotls 13
- peysing 13
- peytral 13
- peytrel 13
- pezants 18
There are 379 7-letter words starting with "pe" in the well-known word game dictionary, 274 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 361 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 279 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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