There are a total of 469 7-letter words starting with 'ba', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- baaings 10
- baalism 14
- baaskap 15
- babacos 13
- babacus 17
- babalas 11
- babassu 14
- babbies 16
- babbitt 16
- babbled 18
- babbler 17
- babbles 17
- babesia 13
- babiche 18
- babiest 11
- bablahs 14
- babools 14
- baboons 14
- baboosh 14
- babuche 16
- babudom 14
- babuism 13
- babying 18
- babyish 17
- babysat 15
- babysit 15
- bacalao 14
- baccala 13
- baccara 16
- baccare 13
- baccate 16
- bacchic 21
- bacchii 18
- baccies 16
- baccoes 13
- bachata 15
- bachcha 20
- baching 18
- bacilli 15
- backarc 20
- backare 15
- backbar 20
- backbit 20
- backend 19
- backers 17
- backets 15
- backfat 20
- backfit 20
- backhoe 19
- backies 15
- backing 20
- backlit 18
- backlog 20
- backlot 18
- backout 18
- backpay 20
- backras 15
- backrow 20
- backsaw 20
- backset 17
- backsey 18
- backups 21
- baclava 18
- baconer 14
- baculum 19
- badboys 16
- baddest 12
- baddies 12
- baddish 14
- badgers 13
- badging 16
- badious 10
- badland 14
- badmash 16
- badness 12
- badware 14
- baetyls 12
- baffies 16
- baffing 19
- baffled 18
- baffler 17
- baffles 17
- bagarre 12
- bagasse 12
- bagfuls 17
- baggage 16
- baggers 14
- baggier 14
- baggies 14
- baggily 17
- bagging 17
- baggits 11
- baglady 16
- bagless 13
- baglike 14
- bagnios 13
- bagpipe 18
- bagsful 17
- bagsied 13
- bagsies 12
- bagsing 15
- baguets 13
- baguios 10
- bagwash 17
- bagwigs 17
- bagworm 18
- bahadas 13
- bahadur 14
- baidars 10
- bailees 11
- bailers 11
- baileys 13
- bailies 11
- bailiff 17
- bailing 14
- baillie 9
- baillis 9
- bailors 11
- bailout 12
- bainins 9
- bainite 9
- bairnly 14
- baiters 10
- baiting 13
- baizing 19
- bajadas 20
- bajrees 16
- bakeoff 20
- bakings 17
- bakkies 18
- baklava 19
- baklawa 18
- baladin 10
- balafon 15
- balance 15
- balanda 13
- balases 11
- balatas 11
- balboas 14
- balcony 17
- baldest 12
- baldier 10
- baldies 12
- balding 15
- baldish 14
- baldric 15
- baleens 12
- baleful 16
- baliage 13
- balings 10
- balista 9
- balkers 15
- balkier 15
- balkily 18
- balking 18
- ballade 13
- ballads 13
- ballans 9
- ballant 9
- ballast 12
- ballats 9
- ballboy 17
- ballers 12
- ballets 12
- ballier 9
- ballies 12
- balling 15
- ballium 11
- ballock 19
- ballons 13
- balloon 13
- ballots 12
- ballows 12
- ballsed 10
- ballses 9
- ballups 11
- ballute 13
- balmier 14
- balmily 17
- balming 12
- balneal 13
- baloney 14
- balsams 14
- balsamy 14
- bambini 17
- bambino 17
- bamboos 16
- bammers 13
- bammies 16
- bamming 19
- bampots 13
- banaler 9
- banally 15
- bananas 12
- bandage 14
- bandaid 11
- bandana 13
- bandari 10
- bandars 10
- bandbox 22
- bandeau 13
- banders 12
- bandido 13
- bandied 13
- bandier 12
- bandies 12
- banding 15
- bandito 12
- bandits 12
- bandogs 14
- bandook 14
- bandora 12
- bandore 12
- bandrol 10
- bandsaw 15
- bandulu 15
- bandura 13
- baneful 16
- bangers 13
- banging 16
- bangkok 21
- bangled 11
- bangles 14
- banians 12
- banjoes 20
- bankers 15
- bankets 13
- banking 18
- bankits 13
- banksia 15
- banners 12
- bannets 12
- banning 15
- bannock 19
- banoffi 17
- banquet 21
- bansela 9
- banshee 13
- banshie 13
- bansuri 12
- bantams 14
- banteng 14
- banters 11
- banties 11
- banting 10
- banyans 14
- banzais 20
- baobabs 16
- baptise 13
- baptism 16
- baptist 13
- baptize 22
- baracan 11
- barazas 19
- barbate 13
- barbell 15
- barbels 14
- barbers 13
- barbets 13
- barbies 13
- barbing 16
- barbola 14
- barbots 11
- barbule 15
- barbuts 14
- barchan 16
- barcode 14
- bardash 13
- bardees 11
- bardier 10
- bardies 11
- barding 14
- bardism 12
- barefit 13
- bareges 12
- barfing 16
- bargain 13
- bargees 12
- bargest 10
- barging 15
- bargirl 13
- bargoon 10
- barhops 15
- barilla 12
- barista 10
- barites 10
- bariums 14
- barkans 13
- barkeep 17
- barkens 13
- barkers 14
- barkhan 16
- barkier 14
- barking 17
- barless 11
- barleys 13
- barline 12
- barlows 14
- barmaid 14
- barmier 13
- barmily 16
- barmkin 15
- barnets 11
- barneys 13
- barnier 11
- barning 10
- barocco 13
- barocks 15
- barolos 9
- baronet 11
- barongs 13
- baronne 12
- baroque 20
- barques 20
- barrace 11
- barrack 17
- barrage 12
- barrats 9
- barreed 10
- barrels 11
- barrens 11
- barrets 10
- barrico 11
- barrier 10
- barries 9
- barring 13
- barrios 10
- barroom 13
- barrows 13
- bartend 12
- barters 10
- bartons 11
- bartsia 10
- barware 13
- barwing 16
- barwood 13
- baryons 13
- barytas 12
- barytes 12
- barytic 15
- baryton 13
- basally 14
- basalts 11
- bascule 15
- baseman 14
- basemen 14
- basenji 20
- bashaws 15
- bashers 12
- bashert 12
- bashful 17
- bashing 15
- bashlik 16
- bashlyk 19
- basidia 11
- basilar 11
- basilic 14
- basinal 12
- basined 12
- basinet 11
- basions 11
- baskets 14
- basking 17
- basmati 13
- basnets 9
- basoche 14
- basqued 19
- basques 20
- bassest 9
- bassets 10
- bassett 10
- bassier 10
- bassing 10
- bassist 10
- basslet 11
- bassoon 11
- bastard 11
- basters 10
- bastide 11
- bastile 11
- basting 13
- bastion 11
- bastles 9
- basucos 11
- batable 11
- batards 10
- batatas 9
- batavia 12
- batboys 15
- batched 16
- batcher 15
- batches 15
- bateaux 18
- batfish 15
- batfowl 17
- batgirl 10
- bathers 12
- bathing 15
- bathmat 15
- bathmic 16
- bathtub 16
- bathyal 15
- batiked 14
- batiste 10
- batlers 9
- batlets 9
- batlike 15
- batoned 10
- batoons 9
- batshit 12
- batsman 14
- batsmen 14
- batteau 11
- battels 11
- battens 11
- battero 9
- batters 10
- battery 12
- battier 10
- batties 10
- battiks 14
- battill 9
- battily 13
- batting 13
- battled 12
- battler 11
- battles 11
- battues 11
- battuta 11
- batwing 16
- baubees 14
- baubles 15
- bauchle 14
- baudric 12
- baueras 11
- bauking 14
- baulked 17
- baulker 13
- bausond 13
- bauxite 18
- bawbees 16
- bawbles 14
- bawcock 23
- bawdier 14
- bawdies 14
- bawdily 17
- bawdkin 17
- bawdric 17
- bawlers 14
- bawleys 16
- bawling 17
- bawneen 12
- bawsunt 15
- bawties 13
- baxters 16
- bayamos 15
- bayards 13
- bayleaf 16
- bayonet 13
- bayside 13
- bayting 13
- baywood 16
- baywops 17
- bayyans 15
- bazaars 19
- bazooka 23
- bazooms 22
- bazouki 22
- bazzing 28
There are 469 7-letter words starting with "ba" in the well-known word game dictionary, 326 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 423 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 355 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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