There are a total of 145 7-letter words ending in 'nd', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- abscond 15
- aground 12
- airband 12
- armband 15
- astound 10
- backend 19
- badland 14
- bartend 12
- bausond 13
- bellend 14
- bogland 15
- bookend 16
- boyband 17
- brigand 14
- cofound 16
- command 18
- commend 18
- compand 18
- compend 18
- contend 13
- cowbind 18
- cowhand 17
- deodand 11
- descend 13
- despond 13
- dewpond 16
- diamond 13
- disband 13
- dispend 13
- distend 10
- dromond 13
- dryland 13
- enwound 14
- expound 20
- exscind 19
- faciend 15
- fenland 14
- forfend 15
- garland 12
- godsend 12
- gormand 14
- hatband 14
- headend 12
- holland 13
- husband 15
- impound 16
- inbound 14
- inwound 14
- iracund 13
- jugband 24
- lalland 12
- lowland 14
- mankind 17
- midland 14
- minuend 14
- misbind 15
- missend 12
- mistend 12
- norland 11
- offhand 17
- oilsand 10
- operand 12
- orotund 10
- outfind 13
- outland 11
- outwind 13
- perpend 15
- plafond 16
- portend 12
- prebend 15
- prebind 15
- prepend 15
- pretend 12
- proband 15
- propend 15
- protend 12
- reblend 13
- rebound 13
- rebrand 12
- redound 11
- refound 13
- regrind 11
- rescind 12
- resound 10
- respond 12
- rewound 13
- ribband 15
- rimland 13
- stipend 12
- subtend 13
- summand 16
- sunland 12
- suspend 13
- tailend 10
- towmond 15
- triband 12
- troland 10
- unblind 15
- unbound 15
- unfound 15
- unround 12
- unsound 12
- unwound 15
- upbound 17
- upstand 13
- uptrend 13
- weasand 12
- weazand 21
- weekend 16
- wessand 12
- wetland 13
- yearend 11
- prefund 13
- toyland 11
- abscind 12
- astrand 8
- contund 10
- cotland 10
- elfland 11
- ellwand 11
- embound 12
- enround 8
- farrand 11
- flyhand 17
- forlend 11
- girlond 9
- golland 9
- gowland 12
- hayband 16
- hieland 11
- hopbind 15
- lawland 11
- lispund 10
- miswend 13
- parpend 12
- prehend 13
- provand 13
- provend 13
- reamend 10
- salband 10
- turband 10
- turbond 10
- upwound 13
- wappend 15
- warrand 11
There are 145 7-letter words ending in nd in the well-known word game dictionary, 103 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 134 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 112 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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