There are a total of 1243 7-letter words containing 'sh', and the number may vary in different dictionaries. You can specify the dictionary and order.
- abashed 13
- abashes 12
- abolish 13
- acushla 14
- airdash 10
- airshed 10
- airship 12
- airshow 12
- akashas 13
- akashic 16
- anguish 13
- apeshit 12
- apishly 15
- arshins 10
- ashamed 13
- ashcans 13
- ashfall 14
- ashiest 9
- ashlars 10
- ashlers 10
- ashless 10
- ashrama 12
- ashrams 12
- ashtray 11
- asshats 9
- asshole 10
- babyish 17
- baddish 14
- badmash 16
- bagwash 17
- baldish 14
- banshee 13
- banshie 13
- bashaws 15
- bashers 12
- bashert 12
- bashful 17
- bashing 15
- bashlyk 19
- batfish 15
- batshit 12
- beamish 15
- bearish 12
- beauish 13
- beshame 15
- beshout 13
- beshrew 15
- bhashas 14
- biggish 16
- bishops 15
- blemish 16
- blokish 17
- blueish 14
- blushed 15
- blusher 14
- blushes 14
- boarish 12
- boggish 16
- bolshie 13
- boobish 15
- bookish 16
- boorish 12
- borshts 12
- boshbok 19
- bowshot 15
- boxfish 22
- brasher 12
- brashes 12
- brashly 15
- brinish 13
- brushed 14
- brusher 13
- brushes 13
- brushup 17
- brutish 13
- buckish 20
- bugshas 15
- bullish 15
- bulrush 15
- buqshas 22
- burnish 14
- bushels 14
- bushers 13
- bushido 14
- bushier 13
- bushies 13
- bushily 16
- bushing 16
- bushman 17
- bushmen 17
- bushpig 18
- bushtit 13
- bushwah 18
- bushwas 16
- caddish 14
- capeesh 15
- carlish 13
- carwash 15
- cashaws 15
- cashbox 22
- cashcow 18
- cashews 15
- cashier 12
- cashing 15
- cashoos 12
- catfish 15
- cattish 12
- cherish 14
- clashed 14
- clasher 13
- clashes 13
- clayish 15
- closish 13
- cockish 19
- cockshy 21
- codfish 16
- coldish 14
- coltish 13
- commish 18
- coolish 13
- coshers 12
- coshing 15
- cowfish 18
- cowshed 16
- crashed 13
- crasher 12
- crashes 12
- crushed 14
- crusher 13
- crushes 13
- cubbish 19
- cuishes 13
- cultish 14
- cumshaw 19
- currish 13
- cushats 13
- cushaws 16
- cushier 13
- cushily 16
- cushion 14
- dampish 16
- darkish 14
- darshan 11
- dasheen 11
- dashers 10
- dashier 10
- dashiki 14
- dashing 13
- dashpot 13
- deafish 13
- deashed 11
- deashes 10
- deflesh 14
- dervish 14
- dimmish 16
- dipshit 13
- dishelm 14
- dishful 15
- dishier 10
- dishing 13
- dishpan 14
- dishrag 12
- dogfish 15
- doggish 14
- dollish 12
- doltish 11
- donnish 12
- donship 14
- dronish 11
- droshky 16
- dullish 13
- dumpish 17
- duncish 15
- duskish 15
- earbash 12
- earshot 9
- enflesh 14
- english 13
- evanish 14
- eyelash 12
- eyeshot 11
- eyewash 14
- faddish 14
- fairish 12
- fashing 15
- fashion 13
- fatoush 13
- fattish 12
- finfish 16
- fishers 12
- fishery 14
- fisheye 14
- fishgig 16
- fishier 12
- fishily 15
- fishing 15
- fishnet 13
- fishway 17
- flashed 14
- flasher 13
- flashes 13
- flemish 16
- fleshed 14
- flesher 13
- fleshes 13
- fleshly 16
- flushed 15
- flusher 14
- flushes 14
- flyfish 18
- fogyish 16
- folkish 17
- foolish 13
- foppish 18
- foxfish 22
- freshed 13
- freshen 13
- fresher 12
- freshes 12
- freshet 12
- freshie 12
- freshly 15
- froshes 12
- furbish 16
- furnish 14
- galoshe 12
- ganoush 13
- garfish 14
- garnish 12
- gashest 11
- gashing 14
- gawkish 18
- geekish 15
- geishas 11
- girlish 12
- girshes 11
- gnashed 13
- gnashes 12
- gnomish 15
- goatish 11
- godship 15
- goloshe 12
- goodish 12
- goshawk 18
- goulash 13
- grayish 13
- greyish 13
- grushie 12
- gumshoe 15
- gunship 16
- gunshot 13
- gurshes 12
- gushers 12
- gushier 12
- gushily 15
- gushing 15
- hagbush 17
- hagfish 16
- haggish 15
- hardish 12
- harshen 12
- harsher 11
- harshly 14
- hashing 14
- hashish 13
- hashtag 13
- hawkish 18
- heimish 14
- hellish 13
- hickish 18
- hippish 17
- hipshot 14
- hogfish 16
- hoggish 15
- hogwash 16
- hotdish 12
- hotshoe 11
- hotshot 11
- hottish 11
- huffish 18
- hunnish 14
- hushaby 17
- hushful 17
- hushing 15
- icefish 15
- inshore 10
- jawfish 24
- jewfish 24
- jockish 25
- joshers 18
- joshing 21
- kaddish 15
- karoshi 13
- kashers 13
- kashmir 16
- kashrut 14
- kiddish 15
- kiddush 16
- kinship 17
- kishkas 17
- kishkes 17
- knavish 18
- knishes 14
- koshers 13
- kurbash 17
- labrish 13
- laddish 12
- ladyish 13
- largish 12
- larkish 14
- lashers 10
- lashing 13
- lashins 11
- lashkar 14
- lateish 10
- lazyish 21
- leashed 11
- leashes 10
- leftish 13
- longish 13
- loudish 12
- loutish 11
- lumpish 17
- lushest 11
- lushing 14
- maddish 14
- maidish 13
- mannish 14
- marshal 13
- marshes 12
- mashers 12
- mashies 12
- mashing 15
- mashups 16
- mauvish 17
- mawashi 15
- mawkish 19
- maybush 18
- menshes 13
- meshier 12
- meshing 15
- meshuga 15
- midrash 13
- midship 16
- mildish 14
- minxish 20
- mishaps 15
- mishear 12
- mishits 12
- misshod 13
- missish 12
- mobbish 18
- monkish 17
- moonish 13
- moorish 12
- moreish 12
- moshing 15
- moshpit 15
- mudfish 17
- mugshot 15
- mumpish 19
- munshis 14
- mushers 13
- mushier 13
- mushily 16
- mushing 16
- mushrat 13
- nearish 10
- nebbish 16
- nerdish 11
- niceish 13
- noirish 10
- noncash 14
- noshers 10
- noshery 12
- noshing 13
- nourish 11
- nunnish 13
- nurdish 12
- oarfish 12
- ogreish 11
- oilfish 13
- omigosh 14
- onshore 10
- outfish 13
- outgush 13
- outpush 14
- outrush 11
- outshop 13
- outshot 10
- outwash 13
- outwish 13
- padshah 15
- palship 16
- panfish 16
- pashing 15
- peakish 16
- peckish 19
- peevish 16
- perkish 16
- pettish 12
- phisher 14
- pigfish 17
- piggish 16
- pinfish 16
- pinkish 17
- pishers 12
- pishing 15
- pishoge 14
- pixyish 21
- planish 14
- plashed 14
- plasher 13
- plashes 13
- plenish 14
- plusher 14
- plushes 14
- plushly 17
- poorish 12
- poshest 12
- poshing 15
- potshot 12
- preshow 15
- prewash 15
- prudish 14
- pshawed 16
- publish 17
- puckish 20
- puggish 17
- punkish 18
- pupfish 19
- pushers 13
- pushful 18
- pushier 13
- pushily 16
- pushing 16
- pushpin 17
- pushpit 16
- pushrod 14
- pushups 17
- quamash 22
- quashed 20
- quasher 19
- quashes 19
- qurshes 19
- raffish 15
- ragfish 14
- rammish 15
- rankish 14
- rashers 9
- rashest 9
- raspish 12
- ratfish 12
- ratshit 9
- rattish 9
- redbush 14
- reddish 11
- redfish 13
- refresh 12
- reishis 9
- reshape 12
- reshave 13
- reshine 10
- reships 12
- reshoes 9
- reshone 10
- reshoot 9
- reshore 9
- reshown 13
- reshows 12
- ricksha 16
- riggish 13
- rikisha 13
- rikishi 13
- rikshaw 16
- rimshot 12
- roguish 12
- rompish 15
- rubbish 16
- runtish 11
- rushees 10
- rushers 10
- rushier 10
- rushing 13
- ruttish 10
- saltish 10
- samshus 13
- sandesh 11
- sashays 11
- sashimi 12
- sashing 12
- sawfish 15
- selfish 13
- serfish 12
- shaadis 10
- shabash 14
- shabtis 12
- shacked 17
- shackle 17
- shackos 16
- shaddup 15
- shaders 10
- shadfly 16
- shadier 10
- shadily 13
- shading 13
- shadoof 13
- shadows 13
- shadowy 15
- shadufs 14
- shafted 13
- shafter 12
- shagged 14
- shahada 12
- shahdom 15
- shaheed 12
- shahids 12
- shaikhs 15
- shairds 10
- shairns 10
- shaitan 10
- shakers 13
- shakeup 17
- shakier 13
- shakily 16
- shaking 16
- shakoes 13
- shakudo 15
- shalier 10
- shallop 14
- shallot 11
- shallow 14
- shaloms 13
- shalwar 13
- shamals 13
- shamans 13
- shambas 15
- shamble 16
- shambly 18
- shaming 15
- shammas 15
- shammed 16
- shammer 15
- shammes 15
- shammos 15
- shamois 12
- shamoys 14
- shampoo 15
- shanked 15
- shantey 12
- shantih 12
- shantis 10
- shapely 15
- shapers 12
- shapeup 16
- shaping 15
- shapkas 16
- sharara 9
- sharers 9
- shariah 11
- shariat 9
- sharifs 12
- sharing 12
- sharked 14
- sharker 13
- sharped 13
- sharpen 13
- sharper 12
- sharpie 12
- sharply 15
- shaslik 14
- shastra 9
- shatter 9
- shaughs 14
- shauled 12
- shauris 10
- shavers 13
- shavies 13
- shaving 16
- shawing 15
- shawled 14
- shawlie 13
- shaykhs 17
- sheafed 13
- sheared 10
- shearer 9
- sheathe 11
- sheaths 11
- sheaved 14
- sheaves 13
- shebang 15
- shebean 13
- shebeen 13
- shedded 12
- shedder 11
- sheened 11
- sheeple 13
- sheered 10
- sheerer 9
- sheerly 12
- sheeted 10
- sheeter 9
- sheeves 13
- shegetz 20
- sheikhs 15
- sheilas 10
- sheitan 10
- sheitel 10
- shekels 14
- shelfed 14
- shellac 14
- shelled 12
- sheller 11
- sheltas 10
- shelter 10
- sheltie 10
- shelved 15
- shelver 14
- shelves 14
- sherbet 12
- shereef 12
- sheriff 15
- sherifs 12
- sheroot 9
- sherpas 12
- sherris 9
- sheuchs 15
- sheughs 14
- shewers 12
- shewing 15
- shiatsu 10
- shiatzu 19
- shibahs 14
- shicers 12
- shicker 16
- shicksa 16
- shields 11
- shifted 13
- shifter 12
- shikara 13
- shikari 13
- shikars 13
- shikker 17
- shikras 13
- shiksas 13
- shikses 13
- shilled 12
- shilpit 13
- shimmed 16
- shimmer 15
- shindig 13
- shindys 13
- shiners 10
- shingle 13
- shingly 15
- shinier 10
- shinily 13
- shining 13
- shinned 12
- shinney 13
- shiplap 16
- shipman 16
- shipmen 16
- shipped 16
- shippen 16
- shipper 15
- shippon 16
- shipway 17
- shirked 14
- shirker 13
- shirred 10
- shirted 10
- shisham 14
- shishas 11
- shitake 13
- shitbag 14
- shitcan 13
- shittah 11
- shitted 10
- shitter 9
- shittim 12
- shiurim 13
- shivahs 15
- shivers 13
- shivery 15
- shivoos 13
- shizzle 28
- shlepps 16
- shlocks 17
- shlumps 17
- shlumpy 19
- shmaltz 22
- shmatte 12
- shmears 12
- shmeers 12
- shmooze 21
- shmucks 20
- shnooks 14
- shoaled 11
- shoaler 10
- shochet 14
- shocked 17
- shocker 16
- shockie 16
- shodden 12
- shoebox 19
- shoeing 12
- shoepac 15
- shofars 12
- shogged 14
- shoguns 13
- sholoms 13
- shoofly 15
- shoogly 14
- shooing 12
- shooled 11
- shooter 9
- shopboy 17
- shophar 14
- shoplot 13
- shopman 16
- shopmen 16
- shopped 16
- shopper 15
- shoppes 15
- shorans 10
- shoring 12
- shornie 10
- shorted 10
- shorten 10
- shorter 9
- shortia 9
- shortie 9
- shortly 12
- shotgun 13
- shotput 13
- shotted 10
- shotten 10
- shouted 11
- shouter 10
- shovels 14
- shovers 13
- shoving 16
- showbag 17
- showbiz 24
- showers 12
- showery 14
- showier 12
- showily 15
- showing 15
- showman 16
- showmen 16
- showoff 18
- shrewed 13
- shrieks 13
- shrieky 15
- shrieve 13
- shrifts 12
- shrikes 13
- shrills 11
- shrilly 13
- shrimps 15
- shrimpy 17
- shrined 11
- shrines 10
- shrinks 14
- shrived 14
- shrivel 14
- shriven 14
- shriver 13
- shrives 13
- shroffs 15
- shrooms 12
- shrouds 11
- shrubby 18
- shtetel 10
- shtetls 10
- shticks 16
- shucked 18
- shucker 17
- shudder 12
- shuffle 17
- shuftis 13
- shunned 13
- shunner 12
- shunted 12
- shunter 11
- shushed 13
- shushes 12
- shuteye 12
- shuting 13
- shutoff 16
- shutout 11
- shutter 10
- shuttle 11
- shylock 19
- shyness 12
- shyster 11
- sibship 15
- sickish 16
- skoshes 13
- slashed 11
- slasher 10
- slashes 10
- slavish 14
- sloshed 11
- sloshes 10
- slowish 13
- slushed 12
- slushes 11
- smashed 13
- smasher 12
- smashes 12
- smashup 16
- smushed 14
- smushes 13
- snashes 10
- softish 12
- sonship 13
- soonish 10
- sottish 9
- sourish 10
- splashy 15
- squashy 21
- squishy 21
- squoosh 19
- stashed 10
- stashes 9
- stonish 10
- stushie 10
- stylish 12
- sunfish 14
- swashed 13
- swasher 12
- swashes 12
- swinish 13
- swished 13
- swisher 12
- swishes 12
- tallish 11
- tamasha 12
- tannish 11
- tarbush 13
- tarnish 10
- tartish 9
- teashop 12
- tigrish 11
- toadish 10
- toeshoe 9
- tonnish 11
- townish 13
- toyshop 14
- trashed 10
- trashes 9
- trishaw 12
- tundish 12
- tushies 10
- tushing 13
- unleash 12
- unsharp 14
- unshell 13
- unshift 14
- unships 14
- unshorn 12
- unshowy 16
- upshift 16
- upshoot 13
- upshots 13
- ushabti 13
- ushered 11
- vaguish 16
- vampish 19
- varnish 14
- videshi 14
- vishing 16
- voguish 16
- waggish 16
- waifish 15
- wampish 18
- warmish 15
- warship 15
- washbag 17
- washday 15
- washers 12
- washery 14
- washier 12
- washing 15
- washout 13
- washrag 14
- washtub 16
- washups 16
- waspish 15
- weakish 16
- wearish 12
- welshed 14
- welsher 13
- welshes 13
- wennish 14
- wettish 12
- wheesht 14
- wheyish 16
- whished 15
- whishes 14
- whishts 14
- whitish 14
- whorish 14
- wildish 14
- wimpish 18
- wishers 12
- wishful 17
- wishing 15
- wispish 15
- wolfish 16
- wooshed 13
- wooshes 12
- workshy 18
- wormish 15
- worship 15
- yashmac 17
- yashmak 18
- yeshiva 15
- yobbish 17
- zanyish 21
- zhushed 22
- zhushes 21
- airshot 10
- ashcake 16
- ashpans 12
- atishoo 10
- berdash 13
- boppish 16
- bushlot 12
- cronish 12
- culshie 12
- duckish 17
- goyishe 14
- haimish 15
- hennish 13
- jiggish 19
- loggish 12
- lowbush 15
- marshed 13
- menshen 12
- mokshas 16
- moshers 12
- orishas 10
- pashkas 16
- phished 16
- phishes 15
- plushed 13
- preship 14
- reshoed 11
- saddish 12
- shagger 12
- sharias 10
- shastas 10
- sheeney 13
- sheenie 10
- shehnai 13
- shemale 12
- shenais 10
- sheqels 19
- sheroes 10
- shikseh 17
- shinola 10
- shiviti 13
- shleppy 17
- shlocky 19
- shlongs 11
- shmoozy 24
- shmucky 21
- shnapps 14
- shochus 15
- shticky 19
- shusher 13
- snakish 14
- thrashy 16
- trasher 10
- tushery 13
- woggish 15
- wonkish 17
- alumish 12
- arishes 10
- arsheen 10
- arshine 10
- ashames 12
- ashiver 13
- ashkeys 17
- baboosh 14
- bardash 13
- bashlik 16
- beshine 12
- beshone 12
- bhishti 15
- blashes 12
- blushet 12
- bobbish 16
- booshit 12
- borshch 17
- boshter 12
- brashed 13
- budmash 15
- bukshee 16
- bukshis 16
- burdash 13
- bushfly 18
- chavish 18
- chumash 17
- copshop 16
- coshery 15
- creeshy 15
- cushies 12
- dankish 15
- dashcam 15
- dasheki 15
- dishome 13
- dishorn 11
- dobhash 16
- dogship 14
- doveish 14
- dunnish 11
- dunshed 12
- dunshes 11
- dushing 12
- eggwash 15
- elshins 10
- endship 13
- enshell 10
- falsish 13
- fashery 16
- fastish 13
- fennish 13
- filmish 15
- fineish 13
- fishful 16
- fishify 19
- floshes 13
- foxship 22
- frushed 14
- frushes 13
- fullish 13
- fushion 13
- gabnash 13
- gampish 15
- gashful 14
- gemfish 16
- ginshop 13
- gnasher 11
- goldish 12
- gramash 13
- guarish 11
- gullish 11
- gytrash 14
- hashier 13
- hership 15
- highish 17
- hishing 14
- hobbish 17
- hooshed 14
- hooshes 13
- hornish 13
- hushers 13
- hushier 13
- inshell 10
- inships 12
- kashrus 14
- kernish 14
- leisher 10
- lokshen 14
- lompish 14
- lubfish 15
- ludship 13
- lushers 10
- lushier 10
- luskish 14
- mashier 12
- mashlam 14
- mashlim 14
- mashlin 12
- mashlum 14
- mashman 14
- mashmen 14
- mashuas 12
- meishis 12
- menshed 13
- mishapt 14
- mishmee 14
- mishmis 14
- muffish 18
- muggish 14
- mulshed 13
- mulshes 12
- murkish 16
- murshid 13
- mushies 12
- nashgab 13
- neddish 12
- neshest 10
- nunship 12
- ooftish 13
- outlash 10
- parkish 16
- pashims 14
- peishwa 15
- peshwas 15
- piedish 13
- pigwash 16
- plashet 12
- pleshes 12
- poppish 16
- potshop 14
- quashee 19
- quashie 19
- rakshas 14
- rashies 10
- rashing 11
- rellish 10
- roinish 10
- rookish 14
- roynish 13
- rummish 14
- samshoo 12
- shabble 14
- shaling 11
- shallis 10
- shallon 10
- shalots 10
- shamers 12
- shamina 12
- shandry 14
- sharded 12
- shashed 14
- shashes 13
- shaster 10
- shawley 16
- shealed 11
- sheathy 16
- shedful 14
- sheeled 11
- sheepos 12
- shehita 13
- sheikha 17
- sherang 11
- sherias 10
- sheriat 10
- shewels 13
- shidder 12
- shieled 11
- shimaal 12
- shimmey 17
- shiness 10
- shinies 10
- shinjus 17
- shinkin 14
- shinnes 10
- shipful 15
- shippie 14
- shippos 14
- shiring 11
- shirras 10
- shiting 11
- shivved 17
- shmocks 18
- shmoose 12
- shoders 11
- shoggle 12
- shoggly 15
- shoneen 10
- shoogie 11
- shoogle 11
- shooles 10
- shooras 10
- shopful 15
- shorers 10
- shottes 10
- shottle 10
- shoughs 14
- shouses 10
- showbox 22
- showded 15
- showghe 17
- shreddy 15
- shreeks 14
- shreiks 14
- shriech 15
- shright 14
- shriked 15
- shrinal 10
- shritch 15
- shroudy 14
- shroved 14
- shroves 13
- shrowed 14
- shtchis 15
- shtooks 14
- shtucks 16
- shuling 11
- shypoos 15
- slishes 10
- snashed 11
- snowish 13
- snushed 11
- snushes 10
- sploosh 12
- sposhes 12
- stashie 10
- stishie 10
- taishes 10
- taplash 12
- tashing 11
- tittish 10
- toffish 16
- tooshie 10
- toshach 15
- toshers 10
- toshier 10
- toshing 11
- tubbish 14
- tubfish 15
- tumshie 12
- tushkar 14
- tushker 14
- unflesh 13
- unflush 13
- unshale 10
- unshape 12
- unshent 10
- unshewn 13
- unshoed 11
- unshoes 10
- unshoot 10
- unshout 10
- unshown 13
- unshuts 10
- wannish 13
- washily 16
- washins 13
- washpot 15
- weblish 15
- wersher 13
- wolvish 16
- wordish 14
- yshends 14
There are 1243 7-letter words containing sh in the well-known word game dictionary, 902 in the Scrabble US (US/Canada/Thailand - TWL/NWL) dictionary, and 1144 in the Scrabble UK (International - SOWPODS/CSW) dictionary, and 925 in the Words with Friends (WWF) dictionary.
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